



TEMEX AIR DIELECTRIC TRIMMER CAPACITORS AIR DIELECTRIC TRIMMER CAPACITORS Description • Standard trimmer air capacitors are designed specifically for RF applications, VHF through microwave, and have become the industry standard of excellence. High Q and temperature stability are a result of proper attention to geometry and choice of optimum materials. The heart of this trimmer is the one piece self-locking constant torque drive mechanism. This mechanism utilizes transverse slots to create a spring effect between two threaded sections resulting in substantial contact areas which insure uniform torque, high Q and low dynamic tuning noise. • Miniature trimmer air capacitors offer an even further size reduction of the standard air capacitors coupled with finer tuning resolution and ultra high Q, making them ideal for use in microwave circuits. • Both standard and miniature capacitors are available in vertical mounting configurations which save board space and allow top tuning. Vertical mount capacitors are available in single dual and low inductance leads with upright or inverted tuning. • Where High voltage is a requirement, the AT5300 series air capacitors are an excellent replacement for comparable range glass capacitors. TEMEX reserves the right to modify herein specifications and information at any time when necessary to provide optimum performance and cost. Features • • • • • Q’s previously unavailable in trimmer capacitors Excellent tuning stability and very low dynamic noise Approximately zero temperature coefficient Working voltage 250 VDC, test 500 VDC 306° C solder used in assembly Applications • • • • • RF amplifiers and oscillators Impedance matching Crystal trimming Interstage coupling Filter tuning 103 • • • • Removable hermetic seal Meets MIL-C-14 409D French military QPL ESA-SCC 3010 qualified and NFC 93.171 approved



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