



CMOS SyncFIFO™ 64 x 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1,024 x 9, 2,048 x 9, 4,096 x 9 and 8,192 x 9 IDT72421, IDT72201 IDT72211, IDT72221 IDT72231, IDT72241 IDT72251 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • • • The IDT72421/72201/72211/72221/72231/72241/72251 SyncFIFO™ are very high-speed, low-power First-In, First-Out (FIFO) memories with clocked read and write controls. These devices have a 64, 256, 512, 1,024, 2,048, 4,096, and 8,192 x 9-bit memory array, respectively. These FIFOs are applicable for a wide variety of data buffering needs such as graphics, local area networks and interprocessor communication. These FIFOs have 9-bit input and output ports. The input port is controlled by a free-running clock (WCLK), and two write enable pins (WEN1, WEN2). Data is written into the Synchronous FIFO on every rising clock edge when the write enable pins are asserted. The output port is controlled by another clock pin (RCLK) and two read enable pins (REN1, REN2). The Read Clock can be tied to the Write Clock for single clock operation or the two clocks can run asynchronous of one another for dual-clock operation. An output enable pin (OE) is provided on the read port for three-state control of the output. The Synchronous FIFOs have two fixed flags, Empty (EF) and Full (FF). Two programmable flags, Almost-Empty (PAE) and Almost-Full (PAF), are provided for improved system control. The programmable flags default to Empty+7 and Full-7 for PAE and PAF, respectively. The programmable flag offset loading is controlled by a simple state machine and is initiated by asserting the load pin (LD). These FIFOs are fabricated using IDT’s high-speed submicron CMOS technology. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 64 x 9-bit organization (IDT72421) 256 x 9-bit organization (IDT72201) 512 x 9-bit organization (IDT72211) 1,024 x 9-bit organization (IDT72221) 2,048 x 9-bit organization (IDT72231) 4,096 x 9-bit organization (IDT72241) 8,192 x 9-bit organization (IDT72251) 10 ns read/write cycle time Read and Write Clocks can be independent Dual-Ported zero fall-through time architecture Empty and Full Flags signal FIFO status Programmable Almost-Empty and Almost-Full flags can be set to any depth Programmable Almost-Empty and Almost-Full flags default to Empty+7, and Full-7, respectively Output enable puts output data bus in high-impedance state Advanced submicron CMOS technology Available in the 32-pin plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) and 32-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP) For through-hole product please see the IDT72420/72200/72210/ 72220/72230/72240 data sheet Industrial temperature range (–40°C to +85°C) is available ° ° Green parts available, see ordering information FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM D0 - D8 WCLK WEN1 WEN2 LD INPUT REGISTER OFFSET REGISTER EF PAE PAF FF FLAG LOGIC WRITE CONTROL LOGIC RAM ARRAY 64 x 9, 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1,024 x 9, 2,048 x 9, 4,096 x 9, 8,192 x 9 WRITE POINTER READ POINTER READ CONTROL LOGIC OUTPUT REGISTER RESET LOGIC RCLK REN1 REN2 RS OE 2655 drw01 Q0 - Q8 IDT and the IDT logo are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. The SyncFIFO is a registered trademark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGES FEBRUARY 2006 1 © 2006 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice. DSC-2655/4




Integrated Device Technology, Inc.




通信・コンピュータ・一般向け機器などで使用する低消費電力で高性能なアナログ-デジタル混在半導体部品の設計と製造を行っている。主にOEM製品を扱っている。 RF(無線)、高性能タイミング、メモリーインタフェース、リアルタイムインターコネクト、オプティカルインターコネクト、ワイヤレス給電、スマートセンサーを製造するメーカー


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