





Amphenol Corporation




Founded in 1932, Amphenol has grown to be one of the world’s largest interconnect and cable manufacturers. The company designs, manufactures, and markets electrical, electronic, and fiber-optic connectors, interconnect systems, and coaxial and specialty cable. Today Amphenol has a diversified presence in high growth markets that it has cultivated over its 75 year history. Originally named The American Phenolic Corporation, Amphenol was founded by entrepreneur Arthur J. Schmitt in the Chicago area. Mr. Schmitt was focused on finding a better way to mass-produce vacuum tube sockets for the explosion of radio manufacturing at the time. He discovered that insulating plastic could effectively be used to produce tube sockets in a quicker and simpler method that using Bakelite or ceramic. With an initial order from RCA, Amphenol grew rapidly and has continued to profitably anticipate the needs of emerging markets ever since. Technology leadership has long been a corporate focus and Amphenol has been creating industry standards since its founding in 1932. We hope you enjoy the timeline below which gives a brief overview of how Amphenol has evolved into the global organization it is today.


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43456の取扱い販売会社 株式会社クレバーテック  会社情報(PDF)    戻る

81 0001511130000 

434 4340 43-400 434-0000 4340000-2
434-00009 434-0002-018 434-0002-026 434-00035-09 4340012000
4340-0123-SB2D03 4340-0123-SD2E04 4340-0123-T 4340-0123-TA2E03 4340-0123-TB1D01
4340-0123-TB1D03 4340-0123-TB2D03 4340-0123-TB2E03 4340-0123-TBHD03 4340-0123-TC2E03
4340-0123-TD2E01 4340-0123-TD2E03 4340-0123-TE2F03 4340-0123-TF2F01 4340-0123-TF2F03
4340-0123-TG2G03 4340-0123-TH1I03 4340013300 4340013600 434-0016-009
434-0016-011 434-0016-021 434-0018-001 434-0018-005 434001P
43-4002 43400222000IS31 434-0027-015 434003 434-0030-003
434-0030-004 434-0030-005 434-0030-011 4340-036 434-0039-002
434-0039-003 434-0039-007 434-0039-017 434-0039-025 434-0039-033
434005 43-400-IG2-P10-2A 43-400-IG8-P10-01A 43-400-P10 43-400-P10-020-803
43-400-P10-2A 43-400-P10-5A 43-400-P10-H-12AMP 43-400-P10-H-15AMP 43-400-P10-H-2AMP
43-400-P10-H-5,0 43-400-P10-H-6AMP 43-400-S20-IG210AMP 434-0100 43401103J
4340-1195-A203 4340-1195-D203 4340-1195-G203 4340-1195-H203 4340127
434-01-331J 434-0142-004 434015 434-0163-002 434-0179-001
43402 434-0206-032 434-02-103J 434-02-682J 434028SM-D
43402C 43403 434-0318-001 434-034-9301 43404
43404-01 434-04-100M 434-04-3R6M 434045-0614 434-0500
4340580330 43406 434060 434-0600 434060CAFD
434060-REV-B 434063-1 43406-CFX-TRC 434-0712-35C 43408-0000043408-0000
43409 4340903 434092 434094 434096-50D
434096-55 434096-55D 434096-55DLV 434097 434098
43409U31450 4340-A 4340W02372-DS2 4340W02419 4340W02666S2
4341 4341-0 43-4101 434-10-100M 43-410-12
434-1012-65CS 434-1012-85C 43-4102 434102000791 4341-020-09981
43410201248-RM4I-3C94 434102023691 434102027391 434102029461 434-10-220-00
434102201921 434102201981 43410288 434102E+11 4341-030-55471
434103055501 434107-1 434108 43-41-085 43-4109
434111025826 434111043826 434111050826 434-1120-220L 434-1120-223K
434-1120-331L 4341122K 434113025826 434113043826 434113050826
434-11-400M 434-11-560M 434120 434121025816 434121043816
434121043836 434121050816 434121050836 43412300M 434123025816
434123043816 434123043836 434123050816 434123050836 434123E+11
434125 434-12NYLP 43413-000 43413-3 43413331M
43413-5 43414 434144-212 4341487 434149-000
43415 43415-01 43415-1 434153017835 434-15UTCS400-X9F182-8
434-15UTCX9182-86S142 434-15UXCS400-X9F182-8 434165-000 43-417 434170000000-
434170030000 434170052000 434170055000 434170062000 434170062300
434170090000 434170092000 434170120000 434170120300 434170122000
434170122001 434170122300 43-41-7-012-4000 434170125000 434170182300
4341,70240000 434170240300 434170242000 434170242001 434170242300
434170242301 434170244000 434170244300 434170245000 434170362000
43417048 434170480000 4341-7-048-2000 43,41,7,048,2001 434170482300
434171-001 434-17-222J 434-17-332J-TR 434177-11 434177-4
434177-6 434-18-100K-RCX 434-18-102KRCX 434-18-150K-RCX 434-18-180-RC
434-18-1R2K-RCX 434-18-1R5K-RCX 434-18-220K-RC 434-18-270K-RC 434-18-331K-RC
434-18-471K-RC 434-18-560K-RC 434-18-5R6K-RCX 4341873+ 43418860
434-18-8R2K-RCX 434189 434-18-R10M-RCX 434-18-R33M-RCX 434-18-R47M-RCX
434195-50-0-10003 4341999 434-1L 4341PKG100 4342
43-42024-05211RHF 4342-0-67-53-04-14-40-0 434-22-1R2 434-22-331 434-23-120
4342530000 4342630003 434286BP-01-1015ERN43 434287 4343
43430 43430004 43432-1R0 434-325 43432504
43-43261-437 434331013822 434331045822 434333045822 43435004
434351045816 434353045816 434-374 4343746 4343754
43-43983 4343W00151 4344 43440 4344-01
434401247082 4344-144-251979-5 4344-144-50 4344-144-50THERMOSTAT5 4344156001
4344-184-303 4344-184OPEN4FCLOSED-2 4344-278-11 4344-278-6 4344-278-9979-6
4344-338-6 434-4408AF-682J 4-34451 43445774 4344653
4344675 4-344680103G 4-344680503G 4344712 4-344870009G
434-4-90737-004 4-344920226G 4-344920281G 4-344920346G 4-344920358G
